Several “Grinches” are trying to steal Christmas from you and me. Don’t let them do it!

The Cultic Grinch

Some religious people say that Christmas is a pagan holiday and should never be observed by Christians. Often they cite historical information in such a way that we think they can prove their point. But are these Grinches really right?

The truth is that Christmas did not originate as a pagan holiday. Many years before the Roman emperor declared December 25 a holiday for the worship of the Sun-god, Christians regarded this date as the anniversary of their Lord’s birth. An old Jewish calendar has been found that shows this is true.* It is more likely that the pagan Romans took a Christian observance and made it pagan than that the Christians Christianized a pagan holiday.

There is much reason to believe that Jesus Christ was indeed born on December 25. The death of Herod has been fixed by historians in March**. From the Book of Matthew we can see that Jesus was born several weeks or months before. This eliminates the springtime dating that some propose. According to ancient writings, the priestly course of Abia mentioned in the Book of Luke (1:5-25) was on duty in October the year before the birth of Christ**. The priest Zacharias served in this course. Adding the five to six months between the appearance of the angel to Zacharias (Luke 1:5, 13, 26, and 36) and his appearance to Mary, and then adding the nine months between Christ’s conception and His birth, we arrive at a December date! Those who reject the December date because they don’t think shepherds would tend flocks in the open field this time of the year simply do not know Palestine. December is a good month for grazing in Bethlehem even today**. Don’t let cultists take Christmas away from you!

It is true that some non-Christian traditions are now observed in connection with Christmas: the Yule-log, mistletoe, greenery and so on. Nearly every ancient culture celebrated the Winter solstice, which occurs a few days before Christmas. These celebrations, naturally, were all pagan because the Gospel had not yet reached our ancestors. When people became Christians and began celebrating Christmas, their solstice activities got mixed in with the observance of Christ’s birthday. But today, these innocent traditions no longer carry a pagan meaning to us. To say that people who follow them are reverting to paganism is ridiculous! The “yuletide” traditions are part of our culture now, not part of an idolatrous religion! Don’t let the Cultic Grinch steal your Christmas.

The Liberal Grinch

Men use the word “liberal” today to describe those who don’t want to be bound to the beliefs of the past. In church, “liberal” preachers and theologians are those who deny that the Bible is infallible, and question or attack some of its most precious doctrines. Liberal preachers literally murder Christmas. 

They deny the Virgin Birth of Christ. This event is at the very center of the Christmas story. In the Book of Matthew we read that “Mary was espoused to Joseph” and that “before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.”  The Bible says that this miracle was done “that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet.” Isaiah’s prophecy predicted the Virgin Birth, and the Books of Matthew and Luke record it. But the liberal pastor will doubt, question, or deny it. Does your minister believe in the Virgin Birth? If he does not, he should not be called a Christian minister. The Virgin Birth is one of the cardinal doctrines of the Christian faith. A preacher who does not believe it is stealing Christ, Christianity, and Christmas from your mind.

Throughout the Christmas story, the authority of scripture is emphasized. The words of scripture were “spoken of the Lord by the prophets” says Matthew 1:22. The authority of God is cited in Matthew 2:5 with the words, “thus it is written.”  The name “Christ” given to baby Jesus in Luke 2:11 is a term from the Old Testament scriptures that predicted a divine king Who would reign over Israel. The liberal minister who does not believe the Bible is stealing something vital and precious from you. Christ Himself said, “The scripture cannot be broken” (John 10:35). He taught us “to believe all that the prophets have spoken” (Luke 24:25). The story of Christ’s birth comes to us from a Bible that was authenticated by the Son of God to be the very Word of God. Don’t let the Liberal Grinch steal that from you.

The Materialistic Grinch

Some neglect the Christmas story altogether in their observance of the holidays. To them Christmas is shopping, buying, and giving; or maybe getting, indulging, and celebrating. But what is there to celebrate? What is the reason for the gifts? To boil Christmas down to purely materialistic and recreational considerations is to snuff it out.

Christmas is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Would Abraham Lincoln be forgotten on his birthday? Would George Washington be omitted from the celebration of his birthday?  How ridiculous and wrong it is to take Christ out of Christmas observances.

The meaning of Christmas is that God became a Man. In the womb of the virgin, the God-Man was conceived. He was the eternal Word that has existed from the beginning and created all things (See John 1:1-14). Jesus Christ lived a perfect life as the Perfect Man. He spoke as no man ever spoke before Him. He claimed to be the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). The angels called Him “a Savior” (Luke 2:11).

Christ’s saving mission was accomplished when He surrendered to His enemies and voluntarily died on a cross. His death was for our sins (I Corinthians 15:3). We have done wrong, and we deserved the divine death penalty (Romans 6:23), but Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). The third day, He arose from the dead, victorious over sin and its penalty. Through Him, we can be saved and brought into an eternal relationship with God! Read John 1:12, John 3:16, and John 3:36.

Don’t let the Materialistic Grinch steal from you the wonderful meaning of Christmas!

Have the best Christmas you ever experienced!

 This year, receive the Son of God into your heart. John 1:11-12 tells the Christmas story this way:

“He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.”

He came to save us and to make us God’s children, but He can only do this for you if you will let Him. Receive Jesus Christ today. Confess that you are a sinner. Believe that He died for you and rose again. Ask Him to save you from your sins and to come into your life as Lord and Savior. Don’t let anyone steal your Christmas. Let Christ give you the first real Christmas you have ever known.

Dr. Richard Flanders, Evangelist,, 989.863.0784

*Edersheim, Alfred. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, vol. 1, p. 187.

**Ibid., vol. 2, pp. 704-705.


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