Your Two Greatest Abilities


Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. (I Corinthians 4:2)

A missionary to Africa told this story of an elderly woman who was reached with the gospel. Though she was blind and could neither read nor write, she wanted to share her new-found faith with others. She went to the missionary and asked for a copy of the Bible in French. When she got it, she asked the missionary to underline John 3:16 in red and mark the page it was on so she could find it. The missionary wanted to see what she would do, so one day he followed her.

In the afternoon, just before school let out, she made her way to the front door. As the boys came out when school was dismissed, she would stop one and ask if he knew how to read French. If he said, “Yes” she would ask him to read the verse that was marked in red. Then she would ask, “Do you know what this means?” and tell him about Christ.

The missionary said that twenty-four of the school boys that this lady led to the Lord became pastors.

Source: Colossians and Philemon: The Supremacy of Christ, R. Kent Hughes

1.) Availability

Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me. (Isaiah 6:8)

God only uses that which is available to Him. Isaiah, like the blind lady in our story, made himself available. Christ said the harvest is great but the laborers are few. God calls us to His harvest, but when He calls many of us are too busy to serve. The truth is that every one of us is busy. “Availability” is simply making a priority change. Availability is leaving the good things we are busy doing for the best thing and the best thing is service to Christ.

Some of the disciples left their fishing nets (their career) to follow Jesus, and Mathew left his tax collecting to follow. However, the Pharisees, scholars, and leaders of Jesus’ day were not available to follow.

God uses what is available. In my pocket, I always have a pocketknife. Dozens of times I have used my knife as a screwdriver. Why? It was available. It wasn’t the best but it was available. Have you ever used a shoe to hammer a nail? Why? It was available. I know that there are far more talented people for the work of the ministry than I am. However, they are not available. Do a quick study of church history, and you will find “the blind, the lame, and the halt” serving Jesus, and not “the many mighty.” What is the difference? Availability! “Here I am Lord send me!”

2.) Dependability

Dependability comes after you make yourself available. This is the one element in your life that will ultimately make you a success or a failure in the kingdom of God. Dependability is the one thing God, your family, your boss, and your church expect from you. A child would rather have a parent who is consistently affectionate, loving, and kind, than an aloof parent that takes them to Disney World every couple years. A wife would rather have a faithful husband than a Casanova who is unfaithful. A soldier would rather have an average accountable companion, than a highly awarded warrior that flees in battle. A pastor in a church would rather have an average Joe who shows up than a “super Christian” who is “hit and miss”. God’s requirement for you is not to be talented, popular, successful, but rather to be faithful; and by God’s grace you and I can be!

His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. (Matthew 25:21)

One thought on “Your Two Greatest Abilities

  1. Excellent truth, brother! Very well put! Thank God for His willingness to use those of use who lack the talent simply because of our availability! Praise the Lord!!!


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