11 Tips For Maximizing Your Time During The Pandemic

Ephesians 5:16 instructs us to use our time wisely.  Instead of worrying about this present crisis and focusing on things we have no control over we should focus on what can be done.  Action is the antidote to anxiety.   Commit the uncontrollable things to God in prayer and seize the moment.  God has things for your to do.  Many people can’t wait to get back to work. Ephesians 5:16 says, “Get to work now.” Right now, we have opportunity for productivity and personal growth.  We must “redeem the time.”

Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. (Ephesians 5:16)

Thoughts for Redeeming Time:

1.) Schedule Redemption. Schedule the day and make the schedule your boss. If we fail to plan, we plan to fail.  Aim at nothing and you will hit nothing every time.  Schedule an early start.  Go to bed early and wake up early.  Your production diminishes dramatically after 9pm so just go to bed.  Win the morning and win the day.     If you’re laid off right now and you worked forty hours a week, schedule yourself for forty hours and put yourself to work!    Your mind is the general and your body is the troops so get to work soldier!

2.) Spiritual Redemption. Schedule your spiritual walk.  Your spiritual walk is your first priority.  You are not always going to be spiritual so make spiritual decisions.   Decide to “bring your body into captivity” and get in the routine of taking much time to study, read, and memorize God’s Word. No time in prayer is ever wasted so take time to pray. For some, this pandemic has given a great opportunity for prayer, meditation, and deep Biblical study. Don’t wait for revival to come have revival now!

3.) Health Redemption.  Remember, we are in a health crisis!  A virus is only as strong as the weakness of its host.  So be the strongest healthiest version of yourself that you can possibly be.  Eat healthy foods.  Exercise by doing what you can do.  Take a walk, do an in-home exercise program, etc… stay healthy by moving around.  

4.) Productivity Redemption.    If you are working from home, finish projects and commitments; stay accountable. If you are home but not working, choose a project to tackle— clean out closets, organize your garage, clean up your yard, perhaps something you’ve always wanted to do but never had the time.  As the saying goes, “Things that can be done at any time are often done at no time.”   So now is the time!  Get it done!

5.) Relationship Redemption. Stay in touch with your friends, neighbours, the elderly, and your church family.  Catch up on your relationships with people that God has placed in your life.  Reconnect with that close friend who might have drifted away. Now is the opportunity to reach out. 

6.) Family Redemption.   Have family devotions.  Talk about the Lord with your spouse and children.  Talk about the current pandemic in the light of Scripture with your family.  Watch church services on-line as a family. 

7.) Screen time Redemption. Limit your screen time; govern content biblically.  It has been proven that prolonged exposure to social media will leave you depressed.  If you watch the news all day, you are likely to become anxious and overwhelmed.  Do not worry, you will not miss much if you drastically slash your screen time.  Do not be a victim of FOMO! – “fear of missing out.”

8.) Mental redemption.  A mind is a terrible thing to waste.  The mind is a powerful muscle, but if you don’t use it you will lose it.  Take time to learn the thing you have been putting off.  Use online courses, certificates, downloadable books, educational videos, and the unread books on your shelf.  Sharpen your mental axe: “If you gave me 6 hours to chop down a tree, I would spend my first five hours sharpening the axe.” – Abe Lincoln

9.) Organizational Redemption.  Outer order creates inner calm.  Many of us have discovered in order to get a lot of work done we must first clean off our workspace.  The same rings true for your home.  It has been proven that when you clean out your garage, clothes closet, and pantries you will feel less stressed.  It is time to get rid of all that stuff you have been holding onto but never use.    You will have clarity, space in your mind and in your home.  Organization will help you feel great about the present and the future.  

10.) Economic redemption. At a time of great stress, it’s tough to think about money—which, for many of us, is an emotionally fraught subject at the best of times. But in the end, you may find it very reassuring to take action and to think about ways to save money.  When is the last time you read a book about finance, went to a seminar on finance, or even looked into your personal finances?  Take time to consider major changes to your housing, cars, and lifestyle.  We do not know what the economic impact of this pandemic will be but most likely they will be substantial.  So, investigate your finances and write down options and “what if” game plans.  Explore the possibility of future changes.  What are the options of alternative careers?  Is there a business “side hustle” I could be doing for extra money?

11.) Rest Redemption. Physically, get sleep.  Spiritually get rest.  You can get good sleep, but true rest comes from God.  Rest in Him!