Tony’s Testimony by Evangelist Antony Saxton

These are my notes from Tony Saxton’s last podcast episode. This is a tremendous testimony! The link to the podcast episode is below!

This is Part 2 of the podcast I did with you a few years ago Pastor Jack, after having been diagnosed with a type 2 bipolar disorder. In March 2023, I had an epiphany or revelation from our Lord concerning that initial diagnosis. Bear with me as I start this interview with a testimony before I illustrate what I am doing to treat the symptoms that led to the bipolar diagnosis. I will close by talking about how I am doing regarding my overall health.

In March 2023, after decades of denial, I finally acknowledged that my blood pressure was out of control. It was spiking so high on a regular basis that I was constantly experiencing some dangerous consequences. Anxiety attacks, seasons of depression and extreme spiritual oppression from the enemy. After having a blood pressure reading of 216 over 116 (which was almost a norm for me) my doctor instructed me to go immediately to the hospital emergency department. After three consecutive visits to the E.D, three days in a row, the head doctor at the E.D advised me to go to the psychiatric center at the hospital for further evaluation. Why? He thought that anxiety was triggering my blood pressure to spike out of control, especially after hearing that I had been previously diagnosed with a Bipolar Disorder. Initially, I refused to comply. I was reluctant to go to the psychiatric center for two reasons. The first reason was because of some negative stereotypes I heard about psyche centers from various people and from various movies I had seen. The second reason was because of the bad experience I had with the psychiatrist who initially diagnosed me with the disorder. Before making my final decision to comply or not to comply, I felt led by the Lord to counsel with a pastor and friend, Rich Scheer. I was hoping he would counsel me to avoid psychiatric treatment and trust the Lord to lead me in another direction to receive the treatment I needed.

Well, he didn’t! He instead said something like this, “Tony, I am praying, you’re praying, a lot of others are praying for you. Tony, you are dying. The Lord sent you a boat. Tony get in the boat!” Pastor Scheer was right! At one point during my experience, my blood pressure got as high as 252 over 100 plus. I thought I would stroke out or die from a heart attack. After hearing the voice of authority (The Lord speaking to me through Pastor Rich) I

“Sheepishly” got in the boat. The vehicle The Great Shepherd and Bishop of my soul wanted to use to preserve my spirit, soul, and body as he said he would, according to 1st Thessalonians 5:23,24. The Lord sent me and met me at the “R wing” or psyche center at the Strong Memorial Hospital. As a consequence, I literally had a Psalms 23 experience.

*The Lord made me lie down in green pastures so that I could rest my spirit, soul and body in him. (vs.2)

*The Lord led me beside the still waters so that I could experience the peace that passes understanding. His (vs.2).

*The Lord restored my soul by enabling me to think right, to feel right emotionally and to choose to do his will by ministering to any and every one at the psyche ward. Staff and patients (vs.3).

*The Lord led me in the paths of righteousness by encouraging me to seek his kingdom and righteousness 1st at the psyche ward. (vs.3).

*The Lord was with me as I walked through the valley of the shadow of death so I didn’t fear any evil when I was up there because His rod and staff comforted me (vs.4). 

*The Lord prepared a table before me in the presence of the enemy. In spite of the enemy’s presence at the psyche ward, I ate all I wanted, needed and desired three times a day. I ate healthy and Lord forgive me, some unhealthy portions (vs.5).

*The Lord anointed or filled me with his Spirit. Beloved, my cup was running over. So much so that I was reluctant to leave this mission field (vs.5).

*The Lord’s goodness and mercy was following me as I followed him (vs.6).

*The Lord constantly reminded me that one day I would dwell in his house forever if I should die (vs.6).

Beloved, after examining me with various MRIs, heart exams, sleep tests, etc., coupled with observations and treatment from the staff, the head psychiatrist told me he didn’t think I had the Bipolar Disorder I was diagnosed with. He did, however, say I had symptoms of a disorder, and he told me why…. How? He showed me different areas of my brain from a brain scan (MRI) illustrating the damaging effects that my hypertension was having on my brain for decades. Not only was it causing chemical imbalances in my brain, but I was also in danger of possibly experiencing vascular dementia, heart attacks, or a massive stroke. I certainly had symptoms.

Beloved, after convincing me to work with his staff and follow up with my primary care doctor to develop a plan for not only taking my medication but also committing to a more holistic approach to my health from a spirit, soul, and body perspective, the head psychiatrist released me to my primary care doctor.

And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesu Christ. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. (1st Thess. 5:23,24)

Beloved, the theme for my testimony is, “Tony get in the boat.” The boat is the vehicle or method The Lord used to help me do my part to preserve my spirit, soul, and body. The Lord is doing and will continue to do his part to preserve my spirit, soul, and body until Jesus comes according to 1st Thessalonians 5:24. He will then change me and all of his children into his image in a moment in the twinkling of an eye according to 1st Cor. 15:52. In the meantime, I must do my part, as part of his process to preserve my spirit, soul and body, which is his temple. 1st Cor, 6:18-20. To preserve, of course, means to protect it from being decayed, damaged, or destroyed. If I, or we don’t do our part to preserve our spirit, soul, and body, God’s temple, we could die before ourtime. (Eccl. 7:17 c/r 1st Cor. 3:17) Beloved, I almost did.

Here are a few things I am doing to preserve my spirit, soul and body.

  1. Concerning My Spirit:I AmIntentionally:
    1. Seeking his kingdom and righteousness first (Matt. 6:33)
    1. Abiding in the Lord!

“Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” (John 15: 4-5)

   Note: A commentator from Tyndale Life Application Bible writes:

“While things are going well we feel elated. When hardships come, we sink into depression. But true joy transcends these waves of circumstance. Joy comes from a consistent relationship with Jesus Christ. When our lives are intertwined with His, he will help us walk through adversity, without sinking into debilitating lows and manage prosperity without moving with deceptive highs. The joy of living with Jesus keeps us level headed no matter how high or low our circumstances”.

That works for me as long as I choose to abide in Christ. That is to begin and continue to remain in close fellowship with Him. How long? Until he enables me to bear the only fruit His spirit produces; The likeness of Jesus Christ. His love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness,faith, meekness, and temperance. The fruit of His spirit. (Gal.5:22,23)

  • Trying to abide in a Christ-centered love triangle with my wife, Evon. That’s therapeutic for both of us. (Ecc. 4:9-13) see chart!
    • Putting on the whole armor of God by putting on the characteristics of the living word, the Lord Jesus Christ ( the new man) by being obedient to the written word of God (Eph 6:10-18 c/r Romans 13:11-14)Building myself up in the most holy faith (Jude 20-25)
    • Worshiping the Lord singing Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in my heart to The Lord daily. (Eph.5:17-20)
  1. Concerning My Soul

Note: The soul is a trichotomy or trinity. The Lord created the soul with three parts. A mind to think with (intellect) emotions to feel with, and the ability to make choices (a will)

  1. Regarding My Mind, I am intentionally learning and applying God’s word to my life which will make me wiser than my enemies and teachers according to Psalms 119:98-100. I will also be taking bible

based mental health classes at Light University this summer to benefit me and others.

  • Regarding My Emotions, I am intentionally applying Philippians 4:5-20 to my life. This portion of scripture emphasizes how to experience God’s presence, peace, perspectives, providence, power, provisions, promises, and more.
    • Regarding My Will (Chooser) I am trying to live a:
      • Sacrificial life             (Romans 12:1,2)Sanctified life             (1st Thess. 4:1-8)Soul-conscious life   (1st Tim 2:3,4)Spirit-filled life            (Eph. 5:17,18)
      • Sincerely thankful life (Eph. 5:20 c/r 1st Thess. 5:18)

I am trying by God’s grace to live according to the will of God written in the word of God.

Concerning My Body:

I go to the YMCA 5 to 6 times a week to do a variety of exercises. Weight Lifting, water aerobics, treadmill, swimming, walking, stretching, biking etc.

I am scheduling a meeting with a nutritionist for Evon and myself

I am taking multiple vitamins

I will start using my C-pap machine when I am assigned one in February

I am drinking more water. My goal is a gallon a day

I am trying to take a sabbath day. Rest once a week

I am attempting to plan my days so as to not be guilty of being all over the place.

I am working with a chiropractor on a weight loss plan

I am more compliant with my doctors concerning medications, visits, etc.

How Am I Doing Now?

Concerning my Bipolar diagnosis, I haven’t had any major symptoms of this disorder for at least six months. I no longer take any medications associated with this disorder. Hallelujah! However, I am not qualified to suggest that anyone should or shouldn’t take medication. That is not my place. I will, however, encourage anyone victimized by spiritual, mental, and/or physical illness to seek treatment from someone who understands the importance of administering to the whole person. The spirit, soul, and body. I have gotten a clean bill of health from my primary care physician, the many specialists who treated me, and my spiritual advisors. I am confident that I will continue to do well if I take heed to continue doing what I am doing now, to do my part to preserve my spirit, soul, and body. I know the lord will do his part.